OwlCrate Jr Blog — Readalong

The Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton is centered, surrounded by a yellow pencil, a decorative book cover, and a teal circle graphic in the top right corner, which reads OwlCrate Jr Book Club! in white font.
'The Marvellers' Book Club: Day 1

It’s time to enroll in the OwlCrate Jr Book Club Read-Along for our May 2022 book, The Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton!

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The book The Mirrorwood by Deva Fagan is centered on a wooden table, with lush green leaves behind. In the top right corner is a circular teal graphic with white font that reads OwlCrate Jr Book Club,
'The Mirrorwood' Book Club: Day 3 [End]

What a wild ride! Welcome back to the third and final book club read-along for The Mirrorwood by Deva Fagan. I absolutely loved this story and I’m so excited to hear what you all think about it as well.

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A purple book with pocket watch image embossed on the cover is next to a poster depicting a child with red hair and a cat on their shoulder looking up to a sea of flying books. A teal circle graphic in the top right corner reads OwlCrate Jr Book Club.
'The Mirrorwood' Book Club: Day 2

Welcome back to day 2 of our Book Club Read-Along of The Mirrorwood by Deva Fagan!

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The book The Mirrorwood by Deva Fagan sits diagonally on a white cloth, surrounded by flowers leaves and a candle. A circular teal graphic in the upper right corner reads OwlCrate Jr Book Club in white font.
'The Mirrorwood' Book Club: Day 1

It’s time for day 1 of the OwlCrate Jr Book Club Read-Along for our April 2022 book, The Mirrorwood by Deva Fagan!

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The blue and yellow cover for The School for Whatnots lies beside the open book with a signed bookplate and author letter. In the top right corner is a teal circle graphic reading OwlCrate Book Club in white font.
'The School for Whatnots' Book Club: Day 3 [End]

Welcome back, one last time, to the OwlCrate Jr Book Club Read-Along for The School for Whatnots by Margaret Peterson Haddix, the featured titled in our March REAL FRIENDS box.

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'The School for Whatnots' Book Club: Day 2
'The School for Whatnots' Book Club: Day 2

It's day 2 of the OwlCrate Jr Book Club Read-Along for The School for Whatnots by Margaret Peterson Haddix!

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The book The School for Whatnots' by Margaret Pertson Haddix is centered, with a yellow card to the left and a letter displayed on the right. Superimposed over the letter is a teal circle, with white text reading OwlCrate Jr book club.
'The School for Whatnots' Book Club: Day 1

Welcome to the OwlCrate Jr Book Club Read-Along for The School for Whatnots by Margaret Peterson Haddix, featured in our March 2022 REAL FRIENDS box!

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The book a Comb of Wishes is surrounded by a magazine interview showing a smiling Black woman on a purple background. A teal circle graphic reads OwlCrate Jr book club.
'A Comb of Wishes' Book Club: Day 3 [End]

Welcome back to our book club read-along of A Comb of Wishes by Lisa Stringfellow, the OwlCrate Jr book from the FINDERS KEEPERS box.  Gear up, readers, for a thrilling and heartfelt conclusion!

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The book A Comb of Wishes sits on a cut log piece surrounded by sea shells and a stack of books. A blue teal circle graphic reads OwlCrate Jr Book Club.
'A Comb of Wishes' Book Club: Day 2

Welcome back all to our Book Club Read-Along of A Comb of Wishes by Lisa Stringfellow!

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The book A Comb of Wishes is centered with an open magazine, a bookplate, a seashell, a chest, and a stack of books surrounding. A teal circle graphic reads OwlCrate Jr Book Club.
'A Comb of Wishes' Book Club: Day 1

Hello and welcome all to the OwlCrate Jr Book Club Read-Along of our February 2021 book pick, A Comb of Wishes by Lisa Stringfellow. We featured this book in our 'FINDERS KEEPERS' box and we're so excited to dive into this beautiful story about wishes, consequences, and folklore. 

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A white hand holds a book aloft above a graphic cityscape, against a yellow background with orange action lines. A teal circle reads OwlCrate Jr book club. Book is The Unforgettable Logan Foster by Shawn Peters.
'The Unforgettable Logan Foster' Book Club: Day 3 [End]

Welcome back to our third and final Book Club Read-Along for The Unforgettable Logan Foster by Shawn Peters, the OwlCrate Jr book from our ‘COMIC CRUSADERS’ box. Are Logan, Elena, Margie, and Gil in over their heads? Can they stop the nefarious Necros and the menacing Seismyxer? Only time, and a bit of ingenuity, will tell!

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